
Sunday, October 3, 2021

Stackable Shelves for Folders


Last fall I made copies of just about every handout and piece of music that students would need for the first semester and stuffed folders just in case we had to switch to virtual learning at some point.  I ended up really appreciating not spending so much time in the copy room just about every week, so I did the same thing this fall.  I also made up spare folders for each instrument in case a student forgets their music at home.  Between four instruments and two grade levels and multiple folders per part, I had an unorganized stack of folders that was really bugging me.  I had to dig through the pile just to find the one I was looking for and didn't have a good system to keep them organized.

After a great find at Goodwill (under $5 total!) and some homemade color-coded labels, these stackable shelves are the perfect fit for these orchestra folders!

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