
Monday, August 12, 2019

Metronome Beginning-of-the-Year Bulletin Board

Tick tock metronome beginning of the year bulletin board tempo

Happy fall!  For this beginning-of-the-year bulletin board, a huge shout-out goes to my mom for coming up with the rhyme and to my sister for drawing and painting the metronome!   I always like including something educational on bulletin boards, so I posted definitions of the different tempo markings, a brief history of the metronome, and an explanation of metronome markings.

Here is a PDF and Word document of the text boxes and a a Google doc of the rhyme.  Feel free to use!

Tick tock metronome beginning of the year bulletin board tempo

Tick tock metronome beginning of the year bulletin board tempo

Tick tock metronome beginning of the year bulletin board tempo

Tick tock metronome beginning of the year bulletin board tempo


  1. Hi,

    I just wanted to thank you for sharing all of your incredible resources. Tomorrow I start my 26th year as an ES strings teacher but you have inspired me to do even more. Thanks again!

  2. Thanks Alicia! Hope you have a wonderful start to the school year!
